Entrance Gate to Fort Ward (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8293321, -77.1023396
Closest Address: 4301 West Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22304

Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
Entrance Gate to Fort Ward:
The Fort Ward entrance gate, completed in May 1865, provided the only access to the interior of the fort. The gate's decorative details include stands of cannonballs and the insignia (castle) of the Army Corps of Engineers which designed and supervised the construction of the Defenses of Washington. The present gate is a reconstruction based on the original Corps of Engineers drawing above.
A ditch, or dry moat, surrounded the entire fort. The fort's earthen walls reached a height of approximately 20 feet from the bottom of the ditch to the arch of the gate. The walls were 12-14 feet thick and could absorb the impact of artillery fire.
Officers' Hut:
The officers' huts, soldiers' barracks and mess hall were located outside the fort, near the present Museum, which is patterned after a Union army headquarters building. These structures were built in a typical board-and-batten style. The above photograph, taken at Fort Ward in 1863, shows the quarters of Capt. Theodore H. Rockwood (seated), of Co. E., First Connecticut Heavy Artillery.
Throughout the war, Fort Ward was manned by companies of the First Connecticut Heavy Artillery as well as units from New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The fort could accommodate a garrison of approximately 1,200 soldiers, although records indicate that only 300-400 men were stationed here at one time.
Erected by City of Alexandria.
More about this marker.
Above the left side text are front and inside elevations of the original fort entrance gate. On the right is a wartime photograph of the officers' hut. An engineering plan of the fort is captioned, To continue your tour, proceed along the exterior rear wall of the Fort to the stairway ahead. The tour route is indicated with red arrows on the fort plan.